Zinara: Revolutionising access to essential apps with Office 365


Liquid Intelligent Technologies has supplied the Zimbabwe National Road Administration (Zinara) with Microsoft’s Office 365, revolutionising the way it accesses essential applications. With the cloud-based suite, Zinara staff have 24/7 online access to a number of vital tools regardless of their location. 

The customer:

The Zimbabwe National Road Administration was established in 2002 to play a key role in enhancing the country’s road network. Its job is to set and collect charges for road use, and to manage and disburse the resulting revenues in order to improve Zimbabwe’s national highway infrastructure. Its remit includes working with road authorities in the formulation of maintenance plans and assisting the government in the setting of relevant standards.


Zinara needed an IT solution that would save money on the considerable costs of maintaining its own in-house servers. It also wanted to create efficiencies for its staff, especially its field officers, by allowing them an easier way to access essential data regardless of where they were located. Zimbabwe’s data protection laws additionally meant that any solution would have to safeguard all essential documents against loss or theft.


Now that Liquid Intelligent Technologies has supplied the organisation with Microsoft Office 365, as well as providing secure connectivity based on its world-class network services, Zinara’s staff have easy access to a large package of market-leading applications – all from their browser, with no need to maintain costly server hardware or pay for annual software licenses.

The cloud-based tools now at Zinara’s disposal include Skype for Business with its web conferencing abilities, Outlook for all email needs, SharePoint to give staff the ability to collaborate over documents and share content with each other, and all the additional online storage that it could need through OneDrive for Business.

Access to the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) has also helped the organisation better manage user identities and create intelligence-driven access policies, further strengthening security across its operations.


Following a smooth period of migration from its previous solution, managed by Liquid Intelligent Technologies, Zinara has already made healthy economies on IT maintenance expenditure. Perhaps more importantly, it has noticed major dividends in flexibility and efficiency, with its staff now able to get hold of the data and software functionality they need wherever they are. IT management report that staff are very happy with their new cloud-based services. 
Management is also reassured that all data is protected and backed up to a secure location.

By using Liquid Intelligent Technologies both as a supplier of connectivity and cloud-based applications, Zinara has gained peace of mind from the resulting reliability and simplicity. The connections it depends on are speedy and powerful. Payment for all services is straightforward and predictable. Liquid’s 24-hour support ensures that any issues are addressed in the shortest possible timescale. Liquid Intelligent Technologies has followed up the deployment with regular calls to make sure that all is satisfactory.


“We have received great support from Liquid Intelligent Technologies’s technical team. The migration to the cloud was seamless, and no data loss was encountered. With the basic training we got from Liquid Intelligent Technologies, we can administer the service ourselves.”

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